You Are Amazing

Our brains are so fascinating to observe.  There are so many different facets of brain science, one being that our brain produces thoughts.  These thoughts can be positive or negative.   Often, our lower brain, our primitive or “monkey” brain, focuses on the negative thoughts.   Not for the purpose of sabotaging our happiness, but for the purpose of protecting us. 

We don’t need to be protected from lions and tigers and bears anymore since we don’t live in caves but our brains are taking a while to catch up. 

Instead, your often brain focuses these negative thoughts on who we are. 

Not good enough

Not smart enough

Not thin enough

Not caring enough

Not beautiful enough


It’s enough to make you believe it!

The good news is that we are not our thoughts and we have complete control over which thoughts we want to think. 

Being aware of the thoughts we have about ourselves is key.

Awareness brings curiosity.

Just because we think it doesn’t make it true.

Our thoughts are not facts.


For this week, I want you to focus on how amazing you are. 

This is one of the first things we focus on in coaching.

Self concept and self belief.

Start by writing down all the amazing things about yourself.

Once you have your list, and this may be challenging (that damn brain again)!

Close your eyes and repeat the first thing on the list out loud to yourself, with your hand on your heart.

Feel the words in your body.  Do these words feel true for you?

If so, keep it on the list.  If not, cross it out.

Once your list is complete, write it out, put it in the notes on your phone, print it out and post it where you can see it every day.

Repeat the amazing things about yourself outloud, in writing, in a song, however you want to in order to rewire your brain into belief.


You are amazing.  I believe it.  Now I want you to believe it too!


With Love and Joy,



PS:  Let’s take this deeper so you can have an unwavering belief in yourself and your life, no matter what is going on in this moment!  Remember, “Where attention goes, energy flows.”  What will you decide to give your energy to?  Let’s work together to make it happen!

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