
Our feelings come from our thoughts. Sometimes we believe that our feelings come from circumstances, people or events but they actually come from our perception (or thought) about those circumstances, people or events. We often don’t have language to express our feelings which can be linked to our childhoods and our ability, or lack of ability, to express them.

Use this list of feelings to complete these questions in order to increase your awareness. Once we have awareness of our thoughts and feelings, we begin to become empowered. With the awareness that our thoughts and feelings come from within, and are not caused by outside forces, we can decide what we want to think and feel in any situation. The choice is ours.


What are you feeling right now?

Where is the feeling in your body?

What shape is this feeling?

What color is this feeling?

Is this feeling hard or soft?

Is this feeling fast or slow?

How does this feeling make you want to react?

Why are you feeling this?

On a daily basis, what are your three most common feelings?

Why do you think you have these feelings on a daily basis?

What would you like your top three feelings to be?


How would your results change if you changed your top three feelings? Would you keep any the same? Why?

List of feelings:

abrupt, absorbed, accepting, aching, achy, active, adaptable, adequate, admiring, affectionate, afflicted, aggressive, agitated, agonized, agoraphobic, alarmed, alienated, allowing, alone, amazed, amused, anguished, animated, annoyed, antagonistic, anxious, appalled, appreciative, apprehensive, approachable, approving, argumentative, ashamed, assured, at ease, attached, attacked, attacking, attentive, attracted, authentic, authoritative, avoiding, aware, awkward, bad, balanced, beaming, beautiful, belittled, bitter, blessed, blindsided, blissful, blocked, blunt, blushing, bold, bored, bossy, brave, bright, brutal, bulldozed, bullied, bummed out, burdened, calm, carefree, caring, centered, certain, cheerful, cheerless, childlike, clear, close, closed, cold, combative, comfortable, communicative, comparing, compassionate, complaining, complete, composed, compulsive, condemning, condescending, confident, confounded, connected, conscientious, considerate, constructive, content, contracted, contrary, controlling, cooperative, courageous, courteous, cowardly, crabby, cranky, craving, creative, critical, cross, crushed, crying, curious, cut off, daring, defensive, dejected, delighted, demanding, deprived, desolate, despairing, despicable, despondent, devastated, devoted, diminshed, dirty, disappointed, disconnected, discontented, discouraged, disdainful, disgusted, disheartened, dishonest, disillusioned, dismayed, disoriented, disrespectful, disrupted, dissatisfied distant, distracted, distraught, distressed, distrustful, disturbed, doomed, doubtful, down, downhearted, drawn, dreadful, dull, dynamic, eager, earnest, easy, easygoing, ecstatic, efficient, elated, embarrassed, embracing, empathetic, empty, encouraged, eneergetic, energized, engrossed, enjoying, enraged, enthusiastic, envious, equal, euphoric, exasperated, excellent, excited, exhilarated, expansive, exuberant, fake, fascinated, fatigued, faultfinding, fearful, festive,

The list goes on, however it would be more effective for you to add your own to this list. Try some of these feelings on and answer the questions above. Track what you’re feeling, with all of the nuances and track your results that are tied to these feelings.

Let me know what changes for you with this awareness.

With Love and Joy,


Learn more about 1:1 coaching here


Thoughts create your reality


Self Discipline IS Self Love